Who Am I?

My name is Annelien Wisse, I grew up in Zeeland and therefore I love sun, sea and swimming. I studied Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences in Ede and then I started working as a youth coach and family counsellor in The Hague and Rotterdam. I enjoyed working, but I was increasingly looking for a meaningful life. For years I had been interested in other cultures, but I noticed that adventurous travel was not satisfying. That's why I made the courageous decision to follow God step by step and find my place in His mission.

My Place in God's Mission

Since 2018 I have been affiliated with the Latin Link team in Salta, in the north of Argentina, for an indefinite period of time. Salta is a city known for religious tourism. Here, religion is intertwined with the culture of folk heroes, Catholic saints and Pachamama (Mother Earth).

I am an outgoing person and enjoy sharing my life with others. I want to connect with children, young people and women to reconnect them with Jesus and to teach them to grow in a personal relationship with Him. He alone is Life!

I do this within the church planting team of the Anglican Church in the Grand Bourg (Las Costas) district in Salta. 'Amamos a Dios y queremos amar al barrio'. We love God, and we want to share God's love in the neighborhood through various activities. Every week we organize a workout for women on Tuesday morning and the teen group on Tuesday evening. On Wednesday evenings the women's group and a kid's club on Saturday morning. In addition, we organize special events for Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day and Children's Day. These events are already a household name in the neighborhood and have created new relationships

In addition, I have a role as Mission Mobilizer and Short Term Coordinator within Latin Link.


Annelien was sent out via the Waterpleinkerk in Rotterdam, (Dutch Reformed Churches).  


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Social Media

Instagram: annelienwisse

Facebook: Annelien Wisse


Annelien passionately dedicates her time and talents full-time to God's mission. She depends on donors for her livelihood. If you want to support her financially, you can do so by transferring your contribution to bank account:

NL91 RABO 0379 0508 46 in the name of Stichting International teams NL with the note: MX-SA 

It helps a lot if we (Annelien's home front team) are aware of your donation. Would you like to let us know via  that you will donate monthly?


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