Carola and Shelton live with their two children in Zimbabwe. For Shelton that is his homeland. For Carola, who is Dutch, it is now her home. Their vision is motivated by 'reconciliation and restoration' in the broadest sense of the word. Both have a passion for coaching and guidance of individuals and couples.

Reconciliation & Restoration

Carola has acquired knowledge in natural medication as a project manager in Foundations for Health. And also in nutrition principles that can help to improve physically. Carola has recently acquired her teaching qualification with which she can also go to education. But most importantly, she helps people find their identity in Jesus Christ.

Mobile garage and career coaching

Shelton has a "mobile garage". This is a source of income for the Bogezi family and it helps provide for their personal livelihood. At the same time, Shelton gives interns a chance to work in the mobile garage - many are young without practical experience who have lost hope. Together they go out daily with their maintenance car which is equipped with tools and materials to repair vehicles in people's homes or on the side of the road.

Foundation for Farming (FFF)

Together they are involved in Foundations for Farming in 3 areas of Zimbabwe. Nyanga, Murehwa and Rusa. They instruct farmers in these regions in a simple agricultural method. Here principles of creation are applied and nature is not forced, working within the seasons and with what God has given. The local population learns to grow crops on a small scale. With this they can provide their own food and sell any surplus.

The FFF principles are: at the right time, high standard, no waste and joy. The method is also called farming God's Way. Partly because of the success of these principles, the method from Zimbabwe goes all over the world and people are amazed at the results.

Other activities

Shelton supports pastors and together they are involved in church planting inside and outside Harare. Because of their intercultural marriage, they often find themselves in positions where people and / or churches seek help in reconciliation between the black and white population.

Home churches on the home front and in Zimbabwe

• Nederlands Hervormde Kerk in Bleiswijk, The Netherlands (
• International Gospel Church in London (
• ONE Church in Harare (

Get involved

Carola and Shelton provide for a large part of their living expenses themselves. But you can support them in their ministries and in funding projects.

You can be actively involved with them in mission by supporting them with prayer or financially. They are open to receiving short-term teams in Zimbabwe.

For their newsletter and prayer letters, please contact them here: email


To support them financially, you can make a donation to the bank account: 

NL38 RABO 0111 4061 02  t.n.v. Iteams o.v.v. IA-ZM (Bogezi)


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