In Ecuador our partner is ESME (End Slavery Ministries Ecuador).

Human trafficking is a problem in every community in the world, including our community in Ecuador. Most of the women who have been trafficked within Ecuador are from the coast or jungle regions originally. There are also people trafficked into Ecuador from Venezuela and Colombia. The corrupt nature of police and legal systems is a barrier to achieving justice for those who have suffered this abuse.

Prostitution is legal in Ecuador. This makes it more accessible for the team to meet and get to know people in prostitution without the fear that they would be turned in for illegal activity. However, it also promotes the idea that prostitution is just another job and that engaging in prostitution is normal and acceptable. It is very common for fathers to bring their teenage sons to a brothel to lose their virginity. There are hundreds of people in prostitution in Quito, most of them motivated to be there for economic reasons.


The vision of ESME is to eradicate slavery, poverty & oppression in Ecuador through the transformation of individuals, families, communities and generations by the power of Jesus’ love.

The mission of ESME is to provide holistic care to women and their families who have been or currently are in vulnerable situations; specifically human trafficking, prostitution and abuse, so that they may experience healing, freedom & purpose in Christ.

In June 2011 ESME started under the umbrella of iTeams NL from the vision of Desiré Treur. ESME is recognized by the government in Ecuador and works with a board, missionaries and a team of local specialists.

End Slavery Ministries Ecuador has four ministries:

  • Casa Adalia: Residential aftercare home for women ages 18-22 and their children coming out of vulnerable situations such as sex trafficking, prostitution, domestic violence, etc. Holistic 24/7 care for the women and kids.
  • Caminos de Libertad: Non-residential services for women of the same population that live out in the community on their own or with a safe family member and come to receive holistic services.
  • Esperanzart: Jewelery workshop that employs women of the other ministries part-time, providing vocational training and a first step toward gaining safe employment.
  • Amadas: Street outreach to people currently in prostitution, sharing the love of Jesus through friendship and prayer. We now offer practical help through connecting them with local resources and we have a day center where they can come to connect, pray, hear about Jesus, receive donations, etc.





ESME is a valued partner of iTeams NL. If you would like to support ESME you can give via the following bank account:

NL55 RABO 0155 6677 69 in the name of “iTeams” with the notice ES-CA 


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